
How to make a Cappuccino at Home

What is a Cappuccino?
A Cappuccino is an Espresso – based coffee drink that originated in Italy and is traditionally prepared with steamed milk foam. Variations of the drink involve the use of cream instead of milk, and flavoring with cinnamon or chocolate powder. The name refers to the colour of the habits of the Capuchin Friars, and in this context referring to the colour of the beverage when milk is added to an Espresso.
Italian Cappuccino.

How to make Cappuccino:

1. Start by making your Espresso
You may make your Espresso using a coffee machine, or using a Moka Pot as explained here.

2. Heat the milk.
Only do this if you’re frothing the milk manually, and not with a milk steamer, or similar device. Start by heating your milk in pan until it reaches drinking temperature. (Between 60-70°c)

3. Froth the Milk
Manual: Pour the milk into a Milk frother such as shown below.

You could also use a Bodum, or Cafetière to froth the milk by repeatedly pushing and pulling the filter up and down until the milk is frothed as desired.

Automatic: Use an electronic milk frother, or use the steam wand on your coffee machine/milk frother to heat and froth the milk. Remember that you don’t want big bubbles, but rather a smooth, silky foam.

4. Pour the Cappuccino and enjoy!

Pour the milk into the Espresso to create a rich, creamy Cappuccino.

Now you can practice Latte Art and start getting creative with your coffee!

Prefer to watch? Here’s our tutorial:

1 thought on “How to make a Cappuccino at Home”

  1. We give our kids a “Fluffy”. A bit of warm milk, froth with a dusting of chocolate. I remember my first Cappuccino at age 10ish. I was convinced it was warm dirty dishwater

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